Demanding for Damages

Dear Good Samaritan,

Thank you all in advance. Any of your advice and suggestions will be gratefully received.

Situation :- I am demanding to cover the cost from my ex tenants and their guarantor of the missing items, damages and unauthorised alterations to my property but first, they wants to view the property .
They’re adamant on No viewing=No Pay. Seems to me, again they’re manipulating and exploiting.

As, I’ve new tenant who just recently moved in and for protection of my new tenant dignity and privacy, I’m particularly not keen to show my ex tenants, guarantor around my property.

I’ve emailed all party Inventory Check in and out report,

  1. is inventory report suffice enough, if I’ve to go down legal route to resolve an issue ?

  2. Does my ex tenants have a legal grandfather right for viewing property prior payment agreement is been made for missing items and damages ?

Thank you.


They dont have a legal right to view, but unless the reports were produced by an independent inventory clerk or they were accompanied by photos showing the difference, a judge might be sympathetic to the request.

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Thanks for device, much appreciated.