Hi, I got a letter from my landlord to live the property in 2 months, because the landlord increased the rent in £250 and I can’t pay it. The truth is I will be “homeless with my daughters” if I can’t find a house for a budget of £1400 pcm (as I can’t pay more than that). I don’t know what to do. Please help me.
Rental prices have increased recently, and if you cannot keep pace, then you need to be speaking to your local council to advise them you are now at risk of homelessness.
You could also call Shelter for advice.
Have you tried to negotiate a lower increase with your Landlord?
Try not to panic. Good luck
I spoke with my landlord and explained that £250 is 5x more than I can pay, but the landlord don’t agree to putting down the increase. From 1350 I only can pay 1400, the landlord doesn’t accept. He wants 1600. The council dosen’t help because I am working and I am not a refugee. I had that experience 5 years a got. The council wanted me to give up from my job and go to Manchester. Really I don’t know what to do. My younger is in GCSES. Basically I need 9 months for him finish school and then I can go out of London. It is really a miserable situation. I pay my taxes and I never dreamed that I would become a WORKING HOMELESS.
Go to the housing department of the Council and tell them youre going to be homeless because you cant afford the rent increase.
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