Joint Tenancy - Someone Moving in I've Never Met?

Hi all -

To cut a long story short: Lived with friend in 2 bed flat. Friend moved out and has found someone to take over his room. I messaged the person moving in if we could meet prior, he said yes but I didn’t hear anything else.

I then get an email today from the estate agents asking me to sign the tenancy with this new person on it.

The estate agents only allow people to move in on the 1st of the month so I’m under pressure now to sign it despite never meeting this guy as my friend is paying rent on somewhere he doesn’t live and the new person is banking on moving in. It just strikes me as strange he wouldn’t want to meet me prior, and having agreed I should meet anyone moving in with my friend, it feels like he rushed this one through just to get it done (I’d met and agreed two people prior which fell through).

What happens in this situation? Do I have to sign it otherwise I’m out on the 1st? Or am I within my rights not to sign it and my friend who moved out has to pay the following month’s rent?

Thanks you

when does your tenancy run out?

Hi Colin

31st August 2020.

then you cannot be kicked out earlier. Sign nothing else Keep rent receipts do every payment above board and recorded. It may be possible if you both signed a joint agreement that you could be responsible for the whole rent. Check with a solicitor