Renting Flat for Ukranian

Dear London People!
Me and my 5 years old daughter were forced to leave our home, family, pets in Ukraine… but we are happy to get landed in London East! We just Love to be here, our first school experience happening in Hackney)
We are searching for 2 bedroom flat in Hackney, Tower Hamlets or Bethnal Green (not to far from Sebright Primary school). We are eligible for House Benefits and our budget is around 400£ per week. We can afford deposit also. I’m an Architect, Interior Designer and Photographer. So probably my knowledge can be useful.
Will be very greatfull for any advice and sharing this post!
Wish everyone Peace and Love!

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Bless you both. Sorry I don’t have a property but hope someone can help you soon.
Best wishes for your future and good luck.
Mrs T


I am sure i speak for all landlords and tenants who wish you well and deplore the agony that Ukraine is going through . We all wish we could do more to help against tyranny


Thank you, Beautiful people!)


Hi Nadia, are you in a sponsorship (family or under the Homes for Ukraine scheme)? Your best options really depend on your circumstances.

My house guests (via H4U) are in a very similar position to you where they already have jobs and schools on the doorstep and they are looking for long term accommodation after the 6 month period ends. Even though we’re in no rush and they’re under no pressure from us, it’s the rules that are getting in the way.

If you’re on Universal Credit, be advised that while they can help with rent costs, taking a convenient but overly expensive private rent after QUITTING the Homes for Ukraine Scheme may have an impact on the financial support you can get towards the rent. If you get your sponsor to kick you out, the council has an obligation to house you but not necessarily in the area you need to be. And it could easily end up being B&B accommodation in the wrong place for you.

With our own guest we got shot down totally by both the council AND the Universal Credit team when we enquired about using sparerooms or groups like EAST LONDON SPARE ROOMS, FLATSHARE, RENT HOUSES & ACCOMMODATION, STUDENT UK | Facebook . But I do know this is an evolving area for government and charity support. Landlords and sponsors may be interested in keeping an eye on the Sanctuary Foundation youtube channel.

I’m part of a local Facebook group that works with our local council (not in London though) and I also participate through several Facebook groups related to Homes for Ukraine. The evolving approach seems to be, from their point of view, identifying sponsors in their area who don’t have guests at the moment - in some cases, it may simply be a matter of changing the sponsor to one who’s much closer to work/schools and buying six months of breathing space.

A good place to start if needing a sponsor is Facebook, e.g. the UK accommodation for Ukrainian refugees. - and looking for similar groups in the target area.