Hello I’m a student ,i want to rent a two
double bedrooms property,but it is hard for me to apply for that .Is there any information about that, please help me. we have two persons in total,both are postgraduate students. We ganna to move in September.
I don’t want to pay upfront, i can only
accept monthly payment, deposit for one month it’s ok
Location: between the centre of city and heriot watt university,Which is better to university in 30 minutes by bus
Furnitured or Unfurnitured
Thank you
Might help if you specified required location and place of study.
quite a few people ask for accomodation without stating the location they want
We’re meant to read minds
Hey,I have put the specified there
Rereading it looks like you did say Heriot Watt University. I missed it the first time, too, especially since you specify “near city centre” first without saying which city and you haven’t capitalized it so it’s not obviously the name of a specific university.
So I’m guessing someone who rents to students in that area ought to know that Heriot Watt university is near it. But if you’ve got a lot of universities in the area you do risk someone forgetting one.
However you’ll get more responses if your title states the post code or city name or the university name - instead of burying it in the post.
I looked it up - it’s in Edinburgh for anyone curious. It’s written Heriot-Watt, so it’s not even formatted right and a busy person could definitely overlook it and not make the connection.
Assuming you don’t have much of a credit history as a student, you can try the Spareroom website? Your university should also be pointing you in the direction of sites or resources designed to help students in similar circumstances.