“Tenants will gain the right to end their tenancy at any time by providing two months’ notice, using any written method.”
Will tenants be required to reimburse the landlord for the marketing & letting fees if they don’t satisfy the minimum term?
A rhetorical question, as obviously the government don’t care a jot about the impact on landlords.
I pay my agent £396 for a new letting, even over 12 months that’s £33/m, but over 2 months it’s £198/m on relatively low-rate rents in the North of England, £350pcm being my lowest at present, which equates to over 56% of that income.
The PRs is the only business I know of that is not allowed to charge fees to a customer who is an equal (??) partner / /beneficiary in the business transaction.
I’ve qualified the ‘equal’ reference with a question mark as the tenant has far more rights and control / options without any of the risks or financial and legislative burdens.
So now they can walk away at any time, without reason, leaving whatever debt and destruction they choose with no responsibility. Mm very balanced, I’m sure!!
I propose we have a version of the S8 for tenants wishing to leave within an initial fixed term.
We talk about discrimination in all walks of life, but I’ve yet to find a more discriminatory example than that of the governments’ legislative impositions on the PRS.