2024, Quarterly reporting to HMRC

In 2024, HMRC I have read, are planning to make us report every quarter, even single property landlords with limited turnover!
Are we as a professional community, sheilding the government in many cases from their failure to build council and affordable homes going to put up with what is not being asked of most other businesses?
And if not what can be done?


All sole trader businesses with turnover of over £10k are going to have to do MTD, at they aren’t asking landlords to do something they aren’t asking businesses to do??

It’s like everything landlords by now should be very aware and in the long run it will be good, I have a cousin who lives I. Australia and a landlord and they have done it for about 3years and he has actually made money on the back of it and is more organised and the business has a better footing and he said he wished he done it years ago

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