- A mature, professional lady wants a 1-BR flat in Brighton.
- Seven Dials area preferred but not crucial up to £1300 p.c.m. as per accommodation.
- Conscientious, clean & reliable Tenant, with STABLE income not affected by Pandemic.
- I am self-employed & can pay 6 mos rent + 5 wks deposit up front.
- Current Landlady references available at a flat I’ve lived in for five years.
- I would need an AST for 12 months initially but would like to stay long-term if agreeable.
- I need a ground floor flat with direct garden access for my new Home.
- Moving date very flexible but not before 10 July 2021.
- I am hoping to find a fair, honest Landlord who appreciates a Tenant who will look after his investment.
I can pay ONE YEAR’S RENT + DEPOSIT UP FRONT. That’s how dependable my income is. I need to move anytime up to 2 Nov 2021. Landlords are skittish due to Covid, but I have had both jabs, I work at home so do not see other people & I have been renting flats in London & Brighton for 38 years! I have an excellent ref from present Landlady. I am looking for a Home so I will NOT stuff it up! I can show you on my phone, one of my Savings Accounts that could fund nearly 4 years’ rent!