I have some concerns regarding a property I have placed holding deposit on.
The landlady did state that references need to be in place - which I acknowledged.
I do have a CCJ - but I have passed the income and previous landlord requirements.
Due to the CCJ I have offered to pay the entire 12 months plus deposit up front - as advised on here and this isn’t a problem financially. I have also explained the CCJ and sent proof that the balance has been settled which I did over email.
The landlord then requested a guarantor - which I agreed to, and British government director - so a very upstanding person (and my sister).
The landlord then also asked for a secondary guarantor - even though my sister offered to cover both. The landlord said this isn’t acceptable.
My partner doesn’t have the same support network as I do with regard to acceptable guarantors and I have explained this.
It’s now been suggested that the rent be increased due to only one guarantor being available (due to insurance reasons) - and I just feel this isn’t right.
But I’m super concerned now that I’m being pushed to pull out so she can keep the holding deposit. I was concerned that when I viewed the flat, she wasn’t there - keys left with a porter. When I opened the door there was a huge pile of letters and the place was a dirty mess. Just keen on the location - I shrugged this off and thought it’s just a clean. I should add I’ve also offered to redecorate the flat - matching the current colour to just freshen it up.
But now the mess of the place and her worries just don’t match up.
I have flagged this payment with my bank as a potential scam, as I am really concerned that’s a possibility.