Landlord lied about reason on leave notice

So my landlord wanted us out the property as he said on the leave notice he wanted to sell the property, today I went past the flat as I use the same route to do weekly tasks and it says “to let” in the flat windows. (Obviously just wanting us out so he can increase the rent but just can’t be honest with us) I just wanted to ask - what would people do in this instance as technically he lied to get us out the property but I don’t think there is anything I can do realistically but just looking for advice thanks :blush:

if you’re in England, there’s nothing you can do at present. Sadly, both tenants and landlords lie to each other. It has always been thus…


I’m in Scotland but yeah I was thinking that sadly :pensive:

Don’t cry over spilt milk

Don’t look back
Forget about it and move on.

When one door closes another opens


well that’s different. There are laws against that in Scotland I believe.

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How do you know that he hasnt tried selling and hasnt been successful so is re letting or maybe he was intending to sell but circumstances have changed so he is no longer wanting or needing to sell
You no longer live there so why concern yourself
Did the landlord suggest a rent increase and you objected?
How do you know he is renting it for more than you paid?
Why concern yourself with it youve moved on in houses just carry on with life


Speak to citizens advice. You could potentially have a claim for compensation but you’d need to decide whether it’s worth the hassle

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It’s a landlord’s property and he/she can do with it whatever he wants to do without any explanation for you.


Maybe flat is being, or has been sold or transferred to a new owner or family member, so Ad is from new owner, to commense when ssle completes?

Life is short, why seek out hassle?

You may need a reference from past landlord, why upset him?


This is the reason why Sect 21s need to be abolished. It’s ok for a landlord to want to sell, increase rent within legal limits, or whatever they want as the law allowed this. Many landlords remove good tenants with the we are selling after 4 years in the property as it is no longer an Assured Short Tenancy which mean s as a tenant you have more rights.

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You don’t really know the reasons why the landlord wanted the tenant out. We are only hearing a small amount of info from a one-sided question from the tenant. Although I understand that there are some landlords would evict without consideration to the tenant which would put people on the streets, I don’t think abolishing S21 is the solution either. Landlords need to make an income from the rent too and if they aren’t making an income and their mortgage has gone up they may have to increase rent/evict/sell even if they didn’t want to. I was a tenant too and was also served S21 but I found somewhere else to live and I’m really glad I moved on. Tenants already have a lot of rights as it is. The recent changes to the rental sector is just pushing small private landlords to sell so eventually there will be no houses to rent, rent will go up because demand is up and supply is low, and the people who cannot find houses to rent also cannot afford to buy. This is clearly not a win win situation.


Thanks for your comment, I honestly had no rent arrears, paid the rent on time, never had any issues being his tenant (no anti social behaviour etc) I was just looking for some advice as this appears to be happening to a lot of people - he never came to me about putting the rent up just said he wanted to sell, never contacted me direct just sent me a notice to leave in the post - my point is he wasn’t honest with me and we rushed to leave the property with 2 kids under 5 because we thought he wanted to sell (I left a lot earlier than I was allowed to stay because I wanted to just let him be able to sell quicker) but to find it back up for let I just feel a bit of a fool to be honest

Amy, my point is that you don’t know if he was dishonest. He may well have had a buyer (or a family member to pass it on to) and it fell through. He may have had a circumstance that put him in a position where he needed to sell but then he was able to make it work (for example, unable to remortgage because the lender has changed the requirements). I appreciate that it has caused great difficulty for you and your family but you have no concrete proof that he lied. From a landlord’s perspective, I would discuss any increase in rent with my current tenant and serve the paperwork necessary to increase the rent if I wanted to. If as you say, you were a good tenant then there would be no real reason to evict you for an increase in rent without asking you first. It’s a lot more hassle to get rid of a tenant and find a new one than to simply negotiate the rent first. Going back to my original point, we don’t know why he said he was going to sell but continued renting it out so you don’t know if he lied. I find that tenants often vilify their landlords but they are human too that may have circumstances beyond their control.

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no need to feel like a fool .You moved ,assume you are settled .Why let it rile you/ The foolish thing is to let it get to you and not move on

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Did you get served notice according To the contract. Did u get your deposit back? Did you get a good reference?
Move on.

Hi Joseph , I totally agree. There’s always two sides to the scenario and we are only hearing one.
:one:On the surface of the tenants account it would appear that the landlord is being unreasonable and manipulative however if we were privy to the landlords version it may be quite a different story.
People should be aware of this before submitting advice on here on only one half of the situation.?


That is why when they do not get an agreement from others on their view, we usually never hear from them again.