Planning Enforcement for HMO

Does anyone understand why a council’s planning enforcement get involved in HMO when their HMO team have confirmed no HMO licence?

What are PO investigating and what they trying to achieve with regards to the property?

What are they allowed to do as part of their roles?

They’ve taken photos of my tenants possessions so it that legal? Council refused to share the photos stating they show tenants possessions!

An HMO needs planning consent in certain areas where an Article 4 directive is in place, regardless of whether it is licensable. You should check if this is the case. Search the Councils website in the first instance.

Thanks David.

The Planning Enforcement received a complaint stating house was in HMO, but it’s not as all tenants are related.

They found nothing, and online it states ‘Breach NOT established’, so they found nothing!

Odd thing is the complaint logged was BEFORE tenants moved in, so sounds like a disgruntled agent who didn’t get to rent it or a rejected tenant?

Don’t expect any sense out of councils, I have had different departments saying both it is and it isn’t an HMO. I would stand back and not commit to writing, you are actually holding the trump card.

Thanks for your reply. I’ve raised a formal complaint, stage 2 now, asking how they are chasing a complaint logged before the tenants moved in!

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