Hi I have provided a dehumidifier for my tenant which had a run clock on it and it appears not to have been used, what action can be taken regarding this?
Are there signs of damp or mould at all?
Does it say anything in contract in regard to using it?
No nothing in the contract about Dehumidifier. We have an ongoing problem with damp but tenants arent helping regarding this
Their is probably something in AST in regard to tenant having to ensure that property is adequately heated and correct measures taken to avoid damp and mould.
Probably drying clothes inside.
I would send formal letter referencing clauses and advice that not doing them places them in breach of tenancy agreement and that they are liable for remedial work costs. Mention that dehumidifiers have not been used etc. Keep a record of letter sent.
It may be slightly more costly, but you may want to install a positive input ventilator (circa £500 installed by electician) and set timer to run it.
its unreasonable to expect a tenant to pay to run a dehumidifier. read up on it and see whats amiss. drying clothes on rads and insufficient ventilation is common. BUT there are so many things can can give rise to damp maybe get one or two specialist round.
I am not a fan of positive input fans but I have successfully used constant running fans in bathrooms that extract to outside and shut down when humidity drops, just cut an inch off the bottom of the bathroom door that will cost you less than £100 if you already have a fan and just need to change it out, cutting a core costs a little more
Hi Katie
I have same problem with up until now (and when I was living at the property) mild damp. Since renting out has got a lot worse. My tenant does use a dehumidifier but I’m not sure enough and I recently provided one for her to get on top of the issue. We have now had to get specialist surveyors in to identify the causes of damp as always a wider issue usually with the fabric of the building. If its ongoing I suggest you do similar
I’m also a great believer in automatic extractor fans which only turn off when the humidity drops. I’ve had a positive input system which was hopeless. Dehumidifier is very useful but you cannot force the tenant to use one.
are the tenants drying clothes on rads and not ventilating, check that first. also lucinda3 idea is very good just trim 1" off the bottom of the door so air has a way in