Repossession hearing - What happens in a trial?

Hi all, just an update to my issue.

At the last hearing, the judge gave some directions and we both had to submit our disclosures by Monday 4pm. I sent my disclosure prior to the deadline, it is now Thursday and I still have not received the defences disclosures and I checked with the court and they have not received it.

My only concern is that the judge stated we will both have 7 days form the disclosure deadline to request any evidence.

I have not chased the other side solicitor as this is the 3rd time they have failed to meet a deadline.
1 - PCOL was 4 days late
2 - They failed to attend a hearing
3 - They missed the deadline for the discloure.

Any advice on this please? SHould I chase the solicitor or if it goes court I can state I could not request any evidence as they failed to submit their disclousure

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