I’m about to become a first time landlord - just had an offer accepted on my first BTL property!
Just so I can check I’ve got my numbers right though, I was hoping someone could answer some questions about how tax will be worked out. To set the scene a bit, I’m a higher rate tax payer, but my wife isn’t. We’re going to do a tennants in common arrangement where we each own a different size share of the house, eg, share1 = 90%, share2=10%
I think this makes the tax calculation like this:
Tax payment = ((0.20 * (share1rental fee)) + (0.40 * (share2rental Fee)))
Something I was reading today though got me wondering if you just pay tax on the profit, so not the rental fee, but everything after fees have been taken out, ie:
Tax payment = ((0.20 * (share1*(rental fee-mortgage payment-agent fee))) + (share2 * (0.1*(rental fee-mortgage payment-agent fee))))
Does anyone know which is correct? Or are they both wrong?!