Why so many company let enquiries?

Landlords do not give “houses to the first viewing person” The landlord usually asks questions first of a number of persons then invites a few to view and may choose one from that group

I agree with you. However, I read on Open Rent about a landlord saying that he rented his 1st property in 24 hours to the 1st tenant coming to the viewings and the second property to another tenant, who was the second person on the viewing list (others who came after them were instantly rejected). This landlord who immediately chose his tenants was advertised on OpenRent.

What about the other good tenants waiting for the viewings?! (I understand that it can be difficult for a landlord to select from a list of good tenants)

The main point is why are estate agencies registered as tenants on OpenRent?

I agree I have had loads of no show or can I lower the rent Timewasters

‘ If you seek revenge dig two graves ‘

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If you pay an extra £20, to Open Rent, you, too, can have your listing appear on Rightmove, like me!

I now pay £49, instead of previously £29!

Really? I’ve been looking for months all over the country and got standard answers “Thank you, good luck with your search”

This! Nearly all of our enquiries have filled out the OR pre-questions and even answered direct questions still presenting themselves as tenants only to turn out to be selling some “long term corporate let” service citing various big name client companies. Given it’s obvious that such big companies would actually always choose the similarly big (but guaranteed professional) estate agencies to work with, these randos are blatantly just aiming to AirBnB the property.

If you are in a target area, you are surrounded by sharks. I don’t think they can be avoided so just don’t agree any viewing without challenging them directly (“please confirm you applying for yourself and are not an agent/corp. let”) and talking to them on the phone first.

I have been approached several times regarding Company Lets when reletting my properties. After pressing the enquirer as to explain to me their business model they reluctantly admitted that they were intending to use my houses to home illegal immigrants …!sorry “asylum seekers!
I was offered a three year contract and a promise of a new bathroom and kitchen installed at the end of the term. They offered considerably more rent pcm than I had advertised but no bond.
I would advise all LL’s to be exceedingly cautious if approached by these “chancers” who have jumped on a bandwagon offering cheaper solution to the authorities than housing these illegals in Hotels and making profit subletting on the backs of good landlords. Needless to say I rejected their offer!!

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I inherited a company let when I purchased the house through a reputable estate agent, but unfortunately, I didn’t conduct proper checks at the time. To their credit, rent payments have always been on time. However, I’ve decided not to renew the contract, as the property’s condition seems poor. Since serving notice, the company has gone completely silent. Upon further investigation, it appears this isn’t a legitimate company but rather an individual posing as one, renting the property out to random people without landlord consent. I can’t even verify this properly to proof they are breaching the contract, as I’m required to give notice for inspections, and no one is ever present when I visit.

The process of evicting a company is very different to that of a person. You should get proper advice on the lease and your options.

Thank you, I in the process of sorting it out it. Just wanted to share here so others don’t end up in the same situation. Be sure to steer clear of these kinds of “companies” unless they’re actually credible.

Explain gutter trash!!!