I have a tenant who’s been on a ast since 2014, and the deposit was protected and I’ve given a updated how to rent and they have right to remain, the property could do with a refurbishment and I heard a lot of comments about having gas certs all the way back to when the ast started.
I only have the last 3-4 years ? Will that be a problem and another reason is if they are long term tenants and with labour muttering about right to buy etc I don’t want any issues
If you dont have a gas cert from before they moved in then it means you will never be able to use s21 to evict with this tenant. You could, however, use the various fault based grounds under s8 if you need to. There is also a very small risk of action by the Health and Safety Executive, but Ive never heard of an actual case being brought. You just have to hope for the best and keep good relations with the tenant.
I know I’ve had them done , I would see if the agent has copies
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