(original post deleted at OPs request)
As a tenant, I am on the other side of the coin right now. I am a good tenant who always pays on time and looks after the property, my advise to you is to please give your tenants as much notice as you can rather than the legal minimum, looking for a new place is very time-consuming and stressful, 60 days may seem like a long time but it really isn’t. And please do not rush them, my current LL has already chased me twice even though I still have a month left on the notice period and the pressure really adds to the stress.
I agree. As a Landlord, I understand the difficulty securing a new rental property at the moment, and 2 months would fly-by!
Good luck with your search.
thank you
It’s almost a full time job on top of the real job and yes, you are right, difficult at the moment
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