I have a couple who viewed my flat today. Transpires they are separating and looking for a place for the wife to live. Can they both be on the AST even though the guy may only stay he occasionally?
I know I can have him as a guarantor but feel more secure having him on the AST.
Sorry, I didn’t make myself clear. It’s only the one of them moving in (the one who doesn’t work) the other is staying in the marital home with the kids. My query is, can they both be on the AST?
You can have whoever you want on the AST. I would have a stronger preference for putting the person with an income on the AST (the tenant) and then the other person as a permitted occupant. Only ever accept rent from the tenant. If the occupier then wants to take on the tenancy after they secure a regular income, it is likely the tenant would happily give up their financial obligation to allow this.