Tenant wants partner to move in

My tenant wants her partner to move in, which I have no problem with. The AST is coming to an end and we have discussed making it a 2 year one and increasing the rent.
I applied for a tenancy reference on him, thinking I needed to do that before adding him to the tenancy. However, he has failed on affordability because he cannot afford the whole rent on his own, there did not seem to be anywhere for me to state that he was a joint tenant.
This was probably my error and maybe there is a different way of doing it?
What do I do next, my landlords insurance will be null and void if I add him with the failed section.

Could go on as named occupier if she can afford rent on their own?

General consensus is let it go onto rolling contract, definitely not 2 year AST.

They only need to be able to afford their share of the rent not whole amount? You should enter their share.

agreed. let it go periodic and simply add him as a permitted occupier by reissuing the same AST with him named in a clause for a permitted occupier. You are permitted to charge for this amendment. Do not take any rent from him directly but rather just from her and increase the rent to cover the increased wear/tear from two occupiers. Be prepared to drop the rent back down if he subsequently moves out.

Been there, done all this.

Make the partner a permitted occupier only, (no tenancy rights) and never renew a tenancy, especially for a 2 year fixed term. Let it go periodic and increase the rent with a s13 notice if you want to.

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