Builders fixing insurance excess question


There was a leak in my flat and I called builder to come to give me a quote to restore the leaked damage.

They charge 300 and i think it is too much and hoping to bargain down. Probably they figured I am frugal, they advised me to look into my building insurance and it turns out it does cover it but I will need to pay 400 excess which would make no sense to use it.

I told the builder this, but then they offered to pay my excess for a higher price. It sounds a bit doggy to me. Is this how some people do it these days? It is first time me calling a builder and want to ensure they are not setting me up for anything as it doesn’t sound proper to me.

Any suggestion will be very helpful!

they are wanting you to help them scam the insurance company. Do not do it. . I had a customer once wanting me to put down a higher estimate so they would pay me less and they not be out of pocket. I told them I would not do it… When you get asked this you are on a slippery slope

Thanks for your advice. but i don’t understand how is it a scam from the insurance company for the builders if they are paying excess for me? or do you mean they say they will but actually later they turn back and say nope so they get more than they usually get paid on their work?

what is slippery slope sorry?

not a scam FROM the insurance company ,but the builder trying to get you to scam the insurance. That is the slippery slope

oh i see, you mean if it got found out by whatever means, they the builder will bear no blame but the claimer correct?

Got it Fraud is a serious offence I always think if the builder will defraud the insurance company then what fiddle is he working on the customer?

Good advice! Thanks. traps everywhere these days.

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