Goodwill Internet Use


We could do with some advice we’ve just rented out property to a new set of tenants after a nightmare experience the previous tenants had broken the internal open reach internet connection within the property and as a good will gesture we decided to let the tenants have use of our 4G Portable Internet device on the grounds that they would keep ourselves informed of when they had go their own internet up and running and it’s now been almost a month and we’ve heard nothing further and we are now left paying for the tenants to use our internet device.

We don’t really want begin chasing the new tenants as we feel that if we do then the landlord tenants relationship with be fetched on the grounds of trust as the tenants are very aware that we are paying for the usage of the internet.

How would we be best handling this situation?

We would appreciate any advice given thank in advance

Just give them a call and arrange to collect the device. Let them know that the data will expire shortly in any case.

And don’t do it again… :wink:


Thanks for the response.

The only issue that we have is that a good tenant landlord professional working relationship is built up by trust and we don’t want the feeling that the tenants are just using ourselves for something for nothing and if we do go chasing them for the internet device then we feel that they have broken the trust that we have put in them.

It’s extremely easy to either call or Email but the trust of the tenants being honest is something that’s extremely important and they did mention that they would make contact with ourselves and we would like to feel that they appreciated the good will of ourselves providing the internet device.

Thanks again for your response.

you have the advice .I say the same. But you do not want to do it?


Then trust me when I tell you that as I’ve been letting property since 1998, I know all about that.

They need to trust that you are a LL who keeps their word. Unfortunately in this case, you don’t seem to have given a deadline for them to return the device which was a mistake. To rectify this, you need to communicate your apology to them and set a deadline which, given the fact they’ve had it for a month, should be something like a week’s notice. That’s entirely reasonable.

Er… they have already broken the trust that you have put in them. It’s not your job to supplement their utilities and TBH, they’re taking the p***.

You’re obviously under no obligation to accept any advice you get on here, but I’m at a loss as to know what else you expect people to suggest other than you sit tight at home and simply wait for them to get in touch. If you want to be really passive about it, why not simply cancel it and let it run out of data? Then you won’t have to pay.

How are they “very aware” as opposed to just “aware”?