Guarantor Referencing Failures

I have a new tenant ready to move in who has passed references with flying colours. His parter (they’re not married) also wants to move in and be on the tenancy, but they have failed their referencing. They have now given me 3 other guarantors who have also failed. What can be done here and hoe to proceed. Or if he’s willing to be the sole tenant, but then he’ll just have his partner staying there regardless, if I’m not around to police it.

If this was me, unless the first tenant can cover the rent alone I would not proceed.
I would walk away.


I find the referencing on open rent appalling. It doesn’t take into account housing allowance or other income streams. I would have lost a very good tenant had I listened to the referencing and I’ve been really disappointed with the way they don’t. Also to guarantor may not have access to open bank which is what open rent require. Do the referencing your check ensuring that you check their payslips. CCJ etc yourself and go with your gut.


The lead tenant is perfect. Their partner not so, but their gurantor states low risk, reference is clean just the affordability.

Have a good look at 6 months bank statements, should clearly show income and equally as important, outgoings.

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