How can OpenRent improve the property search?

Hey everyone!

As you know, you can search thousands of properties on OpenRent. When you enter a location into the search box, you get a results page.

I want to know if you think we can improve the property search results page? Here is an example.

  • Is there anything you want it to do?
  • Does it let you find suitable properties quickly?
  • Do you just love it the way it is?

Let us know! We love to respond to feedback and our users know our site the best.

Thanks so much!


As you know, better details and pictures up front, Also less restrictive covenants.

And, if a tenant can manoeuvre the council into paying the rent, why restrict the tenant from renting it … ?

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also if the homes are suitable for disability and which disabilities

In general good though and better than gum tree.