How do I negotiate renewal with my London landlord

Hi, my tenancy is due to end in a month

Is it even possible to negotiate down the rent in London from anyone’s experience, here are some info

-I’ve been a good clean tenant
-it is zone 4 so not central
-1 bed apartment £1550 per month

  • I paid all 12 months upfront
    -there are over similar properties in the area for the same price but not below the price
    -the nearest tube station is due to be closed for 6 months due to works done on it

Does anyone have any experience negotiating down the rent and how should I do it?

The £1550 was advertised price originally I didn’t negotiate
I feel like if I pay 6-12 month upfront that should be enticing for a reduction?

Thank you

Hard to advise until you actually have a figure from your LL - there may not even be a rise! Having examples of similar properties at similar rents is helpful & I agree paying up front might be worth a discount. The LL must give you at least 1 months notice of any increase.

It’s a landlords market. You have to do whatever it takes to secure a tenancy. Landlord has so much choice of tenant now.

Tenancies dont nerd to be renewed. They just become rolling periodic on the same terms, which is generally better for both parties. Unless there is a rent review clause, rents can be adjusted using s13 notices. You have to look at rents for comparable places locally and negotiate.