Noisy TV next door

My tenant has complained about the volume of the noise of the neighbours TV. I haven’t heard it myself but he describes it as being a constant background like someone’s loud headphones on a train. He confronted the neighbour but this ended rather unsatisfactorily and he now wants me to take up his cause by writing a letter to complaint to the neighbour. I don’t really want to get involved but am I obliged to do something here. If so what action should I take, thanks

This isn’t upto you to resolve. Tenant needs to keep a diary of noise and report to council if they arnt getting anywhere with direct approach.


Hi Mark, thanks for your quick and clear response, best Andrew

do NOT try to part two fighting dogs

Wise advice, which confirms my initial feeling, thanks

Tenant needa to deal with this themselves what would he do if it was his/her own house asknthe mortgage lender to nip round and sortbthe issue tell him put his big boy pants on and deal with it
Start by making detailed recordings of adtes times volume levela what EXACTLY he can hear even recording on mobile if possible
Contact the local authority and speak tonthe noise abatement team they will advise as i have to make notes and when its continued for so long to contact them again
Also bear in mind that the neighbour may not be aware of the volume they may be deaf or hard of hearing

Thanks Gary I’ve now given the council details to the tenant and suggested that he follow the course of action detailed by the council, which is pretty much as you say. Thanks for your help

The noise depends upon what time in the evening, and level of noise. If polite request does not work, you should complain to the Local Council. If it is happening after 11 pm and noise level is high, it will fall under ASB. I had and have similar situation but other way round. Nothing happened though except the tenants are bit cautious now.

You may lose your tenant and it may be a thing for the next tenant you get. I would suggest to your tenant he gets in touch with the local council. They all work from home now so dont expect too much but its worrh a try

don’t get involved at all in any way whatsoever. tell them to talk to the council.

Thanks to everyone for your advice. The tenant has been referred to the council