Penalised Private Landlords

Private landlords are currently feeling penalised compared to those investing into a company. However it did not occur to me until today that UK private landlords are being penalised compared to overseas private landlords. How does this help tenants in england. Just selling my investment property to private overseas landlords at the moment. Cash buyers. It is a good sale for me if it completes. I had thought that the dull market would benefit first time buyers but it’s benefiting overseas landlords. I cannot see that this is good for anyone long term. May be overseas landlords are better than us dreadful UK home grown ones. Not what I had expected but a genuine cash buyer in a tough market is as good as it gets.


Of course. Successive governments do not appear to understand the issues around property. They get it wrong over and over again.

for example, buyers from China like the UK because we have freehold land. in China, all you can get is leasehold with the longest lease 70 years! they also hope it will help them to make an application to emigrate. so UK property always has lots of additional value to overseas buyers that UK buyers simply cannot obtain. hence in principle they will always be able to pay more as they get additional value, and when exchange rate is soft it gets even cheaper for them.


Additionally they may have a more favourable tax regime

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That’s capital markets for you. Every asset is a casino chip - even fundamental ones like a roof over your head.

Hey, how did you get in to overseas buyers? As in, where did you go / how did they find you?

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