I agree with Colin 3 press ahead and get some sort of conviction so they can’t con any other landlord
Why can’t the landlords have a central database of dodgy tenants it would make tenants think twice about ripping landlords off
This has been mooted before and its a difficult thing to legally set up . We need a millionaire landlord to do it for us. unfortunately I am £5 short of this !!
I’m dealing with all sorts of tenancy problems at the moment in these strange times and if it had gone through the courts you could have easily been looking at over a year to get them out. Provided ALL tenants vacate and sign a deed of surrender then all you really need do to make sure they are not returning is put abandonment notices on the front door, photograph them and have someone as witness. You can look this up online for guidance. Then change the locks! You paid for the possession order then go through with it without a solicitor, just make sure paperwork is correct. Claim the fee back from the deposit scheme,there will probably be a little delay if the tenants argue but it’s cut and dry as you have evidence of your costs
The reason I mentioned it was I remember a landlord a member of the NLA evicting a female with 4 kids she had trashed the house owed £6000 in rent within hours of her being evicted the council were ringing round to find her accommodation in the private sector some poor mug would be next in line to be fleeced
Get statuatory eviction
Claim for unpaid rent when judge asks
Inspect and assess damage costs before leaving date
Change locks one eviction date
Don’t trust
I would leave her on the street.This is why coucils will never be on our side