Question about Inspection & eviction

Hi Guys,

My first question that I have given notice to my tenants more than 24 hours before the inspection, But because she is currently waiting for bailiff eviction. So my inspection was rejected, Also i asked my agency about this, They told me the tenants can refuse my inspection in accordance with tenancy agreement, So Do tenants have right to refuse my access? How can I inspect my house before eviction?
Second, bailiff eviction has booked about two months ago, Can I remove all tenants from my property by one go with bailiff’s court order? They have got kids, can Someone tell me what should i do, So I can guarantee to evict them with bailiff? Thanks

can anyone help me? waiting now !!

Yes, the bailiffs should clear them all out. Keep evidence of refusals to allow access for inspection, but yes the tenant can prevent you entering.

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On the court order it’s should say all occupants as the subject of the eviction. This have the tenants name as per the lease, then all persons occupying the property.

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Why would you need / want to?

Whatever state the tenant decides to leave it in is not going to change whether you inspect it now or after eviction. Save yourself the aggravation and wait until it is empty.

Why not, if you’ve named all the individuals on that TA, anybody else would be trespassing unless you gave permission for the tenant to house additional persons in your property.

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Thanks Chris, First, The reason for inspection because I believe there are about 10 people living in my house, They brought other family into my house.second They have 5 kids with them, So If council didn’t find shelter for them, The bailiff will continue evict them with kids?