Question about tenant suitability

Hi all,

I am new to openrent and would like to seek for the community’s advice on tenants’ suitability. I have listed my flat on openrent and received a number of enquiries. Most of the potential tenants do not even to bother answering my screening questions while some answered, they do not have good income:rent ratio and for the ones with good income:rent ratio, their “family” composition are like, e.g.
a. 2 different couples working in the same company
b. a couple and their siblings
c. someone moving to London recently or will start a new job (i.e. probably cannot get empoyer’s reference)

My worry is, the income is not really solid and if one of the parties left the flat, they may find an excuse to pay rent late.

What is your view and experience in tenant screening?

Thanks in advance.

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The ones who do not answer your questions reject them .Affordability is the key. Be patient


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