Referencing charges are wrong

Dear Open rent
Not sure if this is the right way to communicate with OpenRent. I have 3 references process in process (2 potential tenants and their guarantor) But I have 4 charges of £20 instead of 3. I think maybe the first one I requested as I didn’t know the process I left it empty. Please have a look and refund one. Thanks

A further question is, what happened if all referencing forms fail

Then you haven’t yet found a suitable tenant.

Personally, I never reference more than one applicant at a time, and I only reference an applicant that I already know to be entirely suitable. I do this simply to cross check all the info that I’ve already found out. I’ve already contacted employers/previous LLs to verify character and details, checked bank statements for last six months and met the applicant and got a good vibe. Only then do I pay for a reference/credit check. It’s usually the very last step in the process.

This sounds like a billing query. You need to contact Openrent directly. Go to help centre, send a message

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Thanks. In my case I have a couple as a potential tenants plus their guarantor so I thought I had to do individual references.
2 of them failed and we are awaiting for the guarantor. I think they did it worng, so no idea if I have to do it again and pay again for both of them. Thanks

Think ‘they’ did what wrong? Do you mean the applicants uploaded the wrong information. The system is not ‘rocket science’, and I’ve never yet had a tenant do it wrong so far. If they had I would be asking them to contact to have the reference reset so that they could upload the correct information.

Re references…You don’t ‘have’ to do anything. It’s upto you. You are the Landlord, and that is the joy of a self-managing platfom like Openrent. However, I suspect most Landlords would do 3 references in your case.

I would not have done the guarantor until the tenants had passed referencing. It’s always a step at a time and at any time something can prevent the process going ahead. So, it keeps costs down to only do the referencing that’s needed.

If you do reference a guarantor, bear in mind that you should also take bank statements from them to verify regular income/savings and also check that they own their own home via the land registry.

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