a tenant has been picky.
it was a 1 Yr contract starting 2nd Sept 2021,i had put the vacating date as 2nd Sept 2022. I was under the impression that I gave a bit of a levy and said 2nd Sept instead of 1st Sept as the vacating date. Tenant then argued that he has whole of 2nd Sept to vacate, eventually left. For my learning I want to know what would have been the last day of stay. Ist or 2nd?had he stayed over 2nd would be the rent payment date for the month.
should have been the 1 st . Hey ho what is a day ?
I know, so I have decided no more favours anymore, thanks Colin
Yes could have been worse considering what we read in this forum
Tenant has the property until midnight on the last day of the tenancy.
thanks David and Colin
Our Open rent agreement is that the tenants pay full days rent the day they vacate and vacate by 2pm.
The requirement to vacate by 2pm may be deemed an unfair contract clause and hence unenforceable.
For me if tenancy starts on 2nd Sep , it ends 1st Sep but I expect keys on 2nd September if it makes sense. It is like a bit hotel check in/check out really. Personally I don’t mind and I even offer help if they want to move stuff early etc. Or leave later.
It’s in Open Rents AST. I didnt write it. Our tenants who gave notice have agreed it suits them to meet us at 2pm on their last day to do a schedule of condition and inventory check, take meter readings and hand over keys. I have a feeling they will gradually be moving out and into their new larger rental (which they are taking on with another family member) before their last day. Before they moved into our rental property we allowed them to have their new sofa delivered directly rather than to the flat they were due to vacate. They in turn have always been pleasant and cooperative.
Even if the Openrent AST says 2pm checkout by default, the tenant could refuse to leave until midnight if that is what theyve paid for.
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