Tenant leaving and rent

I had a tenant leave on Friday 4th, he confirmed he had left at 10pm that day via the email below.
He had given a month’s notice on October 3rd saying unsure of exact move out date.
Later said he would leave by the 5th.
He paid rent on 1st of each month bt 1st November no mention of rent or payment.
Then he says : Just to let you know I am now all moved out. Regarding deposit and November, I understand I will have been in the room for 3 days this month. However given I’ve been your tennant for almost 2 years, I’d like to think I’ve been a good Tennant and not caused any problems, I would really appreciate if you could waive the rent for these 3 days and return my deposit in full. I know that’s a lot to ask, but given you have a new tennant moving in straight after I don’t think that’s unreasonable and hope you will at least consider it.
I always have a tenant moving in straight after, in fact I sometimes have them move out and in on the same day & they both pay for that day! Question is, what would you charge for if anything, esp as he says he been there 3 days when it was 4, and he gave notice to the 5th?!

depends how tight a landlady you are.


im wondering how other ppl would handle it …

If they have been genuinely excellent then you could waive the rent as a goodwill gesture.

I would normally ask for the pro rata payment until end of notice they have given, so if rental period (which can be different from payment date) started on 1st I’d ask for 5 days rent and deduct that from deposit. Normally tenants are only able to give notice to the end of the rental period so you could have insisted on a full rent payment for November and have already shown goodwill in not doing this.


If he has always paid well, left the place on good condition and wasn’t still sat there on the sofa as your new tenants moved in I would let it go.
We recently had 2 brothers move out. On the last day we inspected and there was still crap to move. So they got another day to sort it. Been in over 2 years, never a whiff of bother. Great lads, why would I be an arse about it ?


well said .Will encourage them to be good with another Landlord . I good tenant deserves a little reward


I agree that you should let this go and just wish him well. I think if you start to get into the technicalities the situation will unravel because it sounds as though his notice may have been invalid in the first place and although you’re not legally required to, it sounds as though you made no effort to correct him at the time.


the thing is all my tenants are good, hes not been any different to any of the others.
i usually let them give a month’s notice at any time after 6 months, theyre not tied in and neither am i.
indeed normal for a pro rata payment for 1-5 november paid on the usual rent day of the 1st bt no mention at all of paying. I was assuming he’d say to take it from the deposit.
I dont understand how people think they cant stay 5 days and not pay??


No give and take with you? Coming across as a tad greedy ! No doubt one day it will catch up with you. Remember Shylock.


If you let him off the rent that is fine however please ensure that you make it clear that he is still responsible for Council tax and standing charge utilities on the dates when you did not have access.


It sounds like you want to charge him regardless of what anyone says and obviously it’s your call and you know your own finances.

If the place was left in good order I would probably let it go too, especially as you say you never usually have any voids.

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my tenants always say im the best landlord theyve ever had. didnt realise it was greedy to ask tenants to pay rent for the duration of their stay. he took a shlf unit too, maybe i shd let that go too?

good idea bt i pay those :slight_smile:

I will have a void if he doesnt pay these 5 days :wink: And he was on a low rent for the past 2 years as it was covid times and i never put their rent up, some stay 5 years!

He knows he is responsible for the rent, which incidentally is at least a whole extra month, not 5 days, but he’s asked you for a favour, which is to let him off due to his financial circumstances. Why are you now asking us how generous you should be? How can anyone here answer that?


spot on Mr T why do people ask these question when we can tell they have decided what to do., and then get irritated when we give the opposite answer ?


My point was that if these 5 days have been your only void in many years, is this so hard to absorb for a quiet life? Only you know this.

You are doing pretty well and hats off to you for your management skills if your only losses are 5 days rent and a shelf unit.

Not saying you are wrong in your thinking; a lot of people are way too soft.

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Puts a person above money makes you a good person and the world a better place!


I agree with all the other landlords and grant him a favour if he has been a good tenant. Or at least offer to split the difference.

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she will take no notice after all its a WHOLE 5 DAYS VOID My heart bleeds for her