Rental Increase


I’m wondering what our rights are regarding rental increases? We have lived here for 2 years now. The first 18 months was the same rent ( 12 month & 6 month) and then at the last renewal the landlord put the rent up by £50 per month and we signed up to a 6 month renewal. We want to sign up for another 6 months, but the landlord wants to put it up by another £100 per month. There is no specific reason for this - just commercial. They said the estate agency ( it was a let only anyway - so that seems a little strange) has recommended it. Can they do this? Even if we went month to month, can they do this?


You don’t need a reason for a rent increase but his mortgage could have gone up , insurances etc even trades have gone up !
Also inflation is 8.8% ! , unfortunately the ball is in his court as many are looking!

Hi. Have a look on Rightmove or Zoopla for average rental prices for similar properties in your area. Your LL can increase the rent in accordance with market rent around your area. If you feel the new rent is significantly higher than the average, you have right to challenge it through the tribunal. However, be careful with it. Tribunals can both lower and increase your rent according to market value, which will make it higher than LL’s increase, and you will have to abide by their decision.

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Also if you argue to much with the LL it could make renting another property awkward .
I would speak the Ll and explain your question

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Legally the landlord can increase the rent in this situation, and although you could challenge it formally, you would lose unless your new rent is way above market rents. If I were you, I would try to negotiate a lower increase.

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