Req Guarantor ask

After advertising a property and viewing, can a landlord request a guarantor- out of the blue, before any checks… Just seems strange nothing in the advert about guarantor we have excellent refs work and past 10 year landlord refs etc


A landlord can ask for a guarantor at any time prior to signing of contract.

Its a Landlords market at the moment, with high demand for tenancies. Having a guarantor makes the contract less risk for the Landlord, so given the market is so competitive, they are likely to ask for one in more cases.

I ask if the prospective tenant has a guarantor before offering a viewing
I would not take a tenant without the guarantor so what would be the point of a viewing

I telephoned a LA about a property last week the veey 1st thing the person answering asked “can you provide a guarantor who owns their own home AND works?” When I said that they didnt know anything about me.or my aprtmer or how.much we earn etc he said “it dosent matter the.landlord has said he dosent want ANYONE without a guarantor”

You do this with every single applicant?

The last two s21 notices I served were for tenants with arrears.
Neither had a guarantor.

Getting money back would have been futile.
Rent money / housing benefit went on drugs, phones etc etc
Plethora of Debt collection mail….

I do the same vetting as you have listed in another post.
Open rent attracts tenants who would not get through a letting agent vetting process
Out of 108 enquiries over three months, last year, I did about five viewings ( only one was suitable )
Four alleged they had a guarantor and when I probed it wasn’t so.

I’ve spent three years income on energy efficient measures to meet government proposed regulations only for this government to U turn on their original legislative proposals.

I cannot afford to house tenants for free.

Being law abiding is very very expensive!!!

You sound like you’re suffering from a combination of things there, some of which you can control and some you cannot. But responding to proposals rather than actual legislation wouldn’t be an approach I’d recommend for a cost-efficient business.

Taking drugs is far, far more expensive than abiding by the law and not taking them.

Energy efficient measures are inevitable, if not under this government then under the next.
The alternative was to do everything at the 11th hour which would be more expensive because tradespeople and merchants increase their prices to take advantage of demand.

In 2022 , at the landlord conference, we were told, to get ready for C Rated legislation
“Insulate insulate insulate “was the take home message

It’s just been very frustrating.
I think a lot of LL are in the same boat.

The Automotive industry is suffering too. They were told to push electric vehicles only for sales to decline with the increase in the cost of electricity .
They’ve invested billions in e cars and this government have u turned on them too!!

If every house had an e vehicle charger the roads would light up at night !!!

Ps I’m not taking drugs the tenants were !!

I read an article in landlord law newsletter today that documents the government are abolishing s21 to ease pressure of LA because when we serve a s21 they are obliged to house these people because it’s a no fault eviction.
It’s bankrupting LA as they are housing people in hotels , B&B etc which is more expensive than social housing stock of which there is none….

Under Thatcher the LA sold their housing stock to the owners and now it’s come back to bite them nearly half a century later .

I served a s21 so as to expedite the eviction process of the tenant didn’t leave.
I was called by the LA and asked why I evicted him. The officer said she was obliged to house him as it was a no fault eviction.
I then sent her digital records of his arrears and persistent late payment images of drug paraphernalia in his room to prove the s21 was sent to get him out as fast as possible even though it was a fault eviction.

It’s a vicious circle….

Public services in this country are not fit for purpose in any shape or form

On that note, have a great weekend!
We should have some global warning !!

probably the most apposite typo I’ve read in a long time :laughing: