Hi all, part of my criteria for letting my property was tenant must be working and not on benefits. Property was then let to a working family, although wife was on benefit but husband’s income (joint tenant) was sufficient.
After about 3 months of residing in the property, the wife advised they have separated and the husband (joint tenant) has moved out and requested for tenancy to be changed to sole tenancy. She stated she can afford the rent from her benefits (in receipt of UC).
I’m reluctant to remove husband’s name and grant her sole tenancy as she’s on benefits.
What do you advice, can I end the tenancy on that basis or allow her to continue with tenancy?
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There is no reason to place yourself at a disadvantage by removing the husband. He signed, he is responsible until the fixed term ends.
Whats the chances of genuine separation after just 3 months, this could well be contrived.
Thank you for your response Mark10. Precisely my thoughts, I feel that he helped her secure the tenancy as a working person. She first mentioned separation few days after moving in and requested to have his name removed from the tenancy, which I refused.
They’ve signed a 12 month fixed tenancy, and will make no changes until it ends so long she carries on making regular payments and looking after the property.
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I would agree thats its not in you interest to grant a new tenancy just to the wife. The husband remains liable for the rent until their tenancy ends. I would inficate to them that you would be willing to allow an early surrender of the tenancy under the circumstances.
I’ve seen this exact type or request before. Plus I had one myself. Wife asked to come off tenancy so she could claim benefit… they were not from UK. I was not impressed at her attitude to decide to stop working and live off UK tax payers funds.
Susan25. Yes, familiar as we all are with benefits rules, this woman is clearly swinging the lead. She’d prefer to live in the lap of luxury, sponging off generous benefits paid for out of our unearned income and rising property values. Enough is enough. Report her for attempted fraud then evict her and any kids. It’s the only way they’ll learn that only hard work makes you free, despite what Starmer and his friends think.