Tenants gave notice to end tenancy

Hi our tenants gave a months notice, before we were due to renew their AST, to vacate 2 weeks 6 days after the end of the AST, not a full month after, which we accepted and they paid the rent for 2 weeks 6 days on the rent due date. What happens about the monthly Council tax payment? Do we ring the Council and tell them when we take possession? Thanks

yes Ring to say when the tenancy ends


What type of apartment is it and where is it located. I am looking to rent a 2 bedroom apartment in Cardiff CF23 or cf24 will be okay.

Thank you

It’s a 3 bed house, in Hertfordshire.

Hi, have you managed to find an apartment in Cardiff yet?

Not yet!

Still require a portable 2bed apartment in Carthay or any where close to heath hospital area.

Thank you


Good luck, hope you find what you need

Council charges are calculated daily, not by the month. They just collect it monthly. So, if the tenant has paid in monthly instalments, chances are they will be due money back because councils tend to collect over 10 months April to Jan. They will get a refund.

You will then owe from the date that they move out to the date a new tenant moves in, irrespective of what the previous tenant paid.

Our local council doesn’t charge for houses empty for less than a month, but that varies around the country.

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