Visiting property


So I am fully aware that I need to give my tenants 24 hours’ notice before I attend.

What is not so clear is do the tenants actually have to be legally present when I attend.

I am trying to arrange to get some trickle vents installed into the bedroom windows due to some mould issues. But they are slow to respond.


always best if they are there on principle Build up harmony.

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We had a T who claimed that somebody went into the house and asked if it was us. It wasn’t. We had another T who claimed that the toilet seat was left up and when they came home, it was down. They told us they think we went in when they were out.

Just imagine what would happen if your TT misplace something soon after your visit. You will be accussed in theft. Do you really want this? It totally depends on what your relationship is.

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They dont need to be there and if you have a good relatio ship with the tenants, it shouldnt be a problem if theyre not.

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Wow my mind is blown! I will make sure they are present.

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