3 Bedroom House Required

Hello all.
Me and my family are looking for an unfinished 3 bedroom house to rent in Wainfleet or Skegness.
We currently live in Dartford in Kent and been in a 3 bed rental for nearly 15 years in June. We have been searching with estate agents for nearly a year now with no luck due to unemployment and they don’t want to hear the reasons behind the unemployment.
Here is a little bit about me and my family.
I am disabled and have mobility difficulties aged 56.
Our 2 Adult Daughters have autism both with different needs. Eldest is 22 youngest is 20.
My wife who has been caring for all 3 of us is 44.
We have been trying to move closer to my wife’s family for support and for a better prospects and environment for our 2 girls and ourselves.
We do have pets which are very important to mental well being and support which are 2 cats and a cockerpoo
We don’t smoke we have no CCJ’S I have an excellent credit score from clear score, we have landlords reference and a house owner guarantor.
We also have Deposit and rent in advance.
Need a landlord who is happy to communicate by phone email and even zoom and we can show them around how we are and how we have looked after where we are living.
Most properties we have seen up to let on openrent are up for immediate rent, but because of disability we need advance time of at least six weeks to book removals and to do packing.
If there is anything else that you need to know please ask.
Thank you.
Sean and Family.

Unfortunately you are competing with many other tenants now as more and more landlords sell up.

You also have many pets which will be a problem for a lot of landlords.

I would be prepared to take any property immediately and forget about your 6 week wait requirement. It will mean paying rent on 2 places but you need to be as flexible as possible.

Rent in advance is also being scrapped soon by our anti common sense government which will make it even harder for those whose position is less than perfect, so do everything you can before then.

Hello Mark.
I fully understand that there is huge demand for housing, I have been trying for a year now. I was hoping someone had a property that was either being fixed up or tenant was leaving soon, as it would be unfair on my current landlord not to give them plenty of notice as they have been really good to us and we have always been good to them.
The pet situation is these are not pets. My youngest has severe autism her cat keeps her calm and can spot signs when she is about to get hyper and jumps on her and plays to calm her down. The dog is a service dog and was suggested by doctor to help with my disability.
I can’t believe that the government is scrapping the rent in advance
When it is difficult as it is to find a property, with the amount of discrimination that I get being on benefits without knowing the full story.
All I can say is maybe the government are scrapping it as there are so many working people that are offering first six months in advance so of course a landlord would rather take six months in advance then take someone on benefits.
I also heard that some mortgage lenders do not allow landlords to have tenants that are also on benefits because of insurance
How true it is, I do not know. But all I’m going to do is keep trying to find a property and landlord that is suitable.

The government used to provide social housing. Now they pay the recipient money (Housing benefit) to arrange their own housing in the private sector, because the government doesn’t have enough housing.

However, the government is ‘picking on the Landlords’, and making the job harder & less profitable, so many are selling up, and those tenants that would historically have been in ‘social housing’ will be amongst those who struggle the most to find a tenancy.

In order to ‘help tenants’ the Gov are stopping rent in advance, so this increases the risk for Landlords further for Landlords.

Its not going to get easier to find a tenancy for those on benefits, with poor credit, or with indoor animals (whether they be ‘pets’ or otherwise).

You need to be as flexible as possible. If you want 6 weeks to pack then you need to be prepared to take a new home as soon as offered, and pay for two houses whilst you make your plans.

I’ve not heard of mortgage companies specifying that tenants on benefits are not allowed, but my Landlords property insurance policies are sometimes more expensive for benefit tenants.

I wish you good luck in your search.