Add second tenant as a permitted occupier on AST?

Hi all

I have a “lead tenant” passed referencing etc but the second tenant failed referencing.
Lead tenant, can cover all rent and affordability etc, so to get Rent Guarantee Insurance I need to remove the second tenant as a “Tenant”.
Is there a way to add second tenant as a permitted occupier on AST?

many thanks

I assume when you use the term tenant, you are talking about prospective tenants rather than existing tenants? If theyre existing tenants, then no. If theyre applicants for your property, then yes, you can offer one of them permitted occupier status.

yes prospective tenant. how do i add a permitted occupier into ast/contract?

Who’s AST are you using? It is Openrent one, or have you sourced from elsewhere?

Have you read the AST to see if it makes any provision for permitted occupiers?

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