Advice on deposit being paid

A landlord has asked for a full deposit to be paid in to their personal bank account, is this right? I havent signed anything either ??

we’ll need more info to be able to advise. Tell us the full story.

LLs always have the money paid to their bank account. Then they should protect it either by enrolling it in an insured scheme and keeping it in their bank or by transferring the deposit to a scheme. You should then get full details of that scheme within 30 days of paying.


I viewed a property yesterday. I paid a holdong depost.
Landlord said he will send my holding deposit back in order for me to send the whole deposit. He wants it sending to his personal bank account and not through open rent. I want to know if this is okay

Is he carrying out any form of reference checks? Have you viewed the tenancy agreement ? When are you due to sign and move in ?

have you checked he owns it?

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Was this property advertised on Openrent or somewhere else, such as Facebook marketplace?

Some Landlords use the Openrent Contract process (in which case you make payments to Openrent). Some do their own thing, and this is fine too, but you need to be sure you are happy they are genuine.

she said something about the end of April on the other thread she started… if so, she’s prob way off signing a tenancy agreement.

My advice would be to pay nothing. Request that the landlord show you the title deeds of the property so you can see that he owns it. Also request a draft copy of the tenancy agreement to look over along with an application form which should start the referencing process. If none of those are forthcoming, I wouldn’t trust this.

If LL has a mortgage he would not have the title deeds?

I meant a copy of the land register of title which will be in LLs name showing ownership and will have a charge on it from the mortgage company.