ARLA letter requested. Stuck

Hi Guys,

I’m all set to advertise my property through open rent, but I’ve just been asked by my lender to produce an ARLA letter confirming the market rental value. Is there anyway of doing this without having an agent manage my property , and does anyone know the best way of going about it . Otherwise I’m going to be forced down the agent route, which I’m trying to avoid.


Why don’t you invite 3x letting agencies to carry out rent valuations?

This way you will have their written report and their prices etc. You do not have to go with any of them.
(You may go with agency if they happen to offer decent prices for their services but I have not experienced that yet…!)

Use the best letter to forward to your lender :slight_smile:


Wow. Thanks for the information. I didn’t realise this was an option. I spoke to one agency today and they said their letters are 50 quid. Is this about right ?

Thanks again.

If you ask for specific letter - they can charge what they like.

Don’t tell them this - just say you want the rent valuation. They will need to put it in writing as verbal not enough for you. You can explain you have other agencies coming to do the same thing and then you will choose the most competitive one. One or two of them will put everything in a nice package hopefully a nice letter which you can use!

Obviously you need everything in writing so you are fully informed…

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