Can a landlord decline a viewing or application because you don't have a family?

I recently requested a viewing to a property but the agent replied saying that we would not be considered because we don’t have a family.

Not to give too many details but my partner and I are looking for a bigger place so we can do just that but repeatedly we are being denied because we don’t have kids. Is this even legal?

I would rather have a safe home with enough space to raise a family than my current tiny two bed flat…

It could be a breach of the Human Rights Act, but would be very costly and risky to prosecute so I wouldnt recommend that. I think you just have to keep trying and perhaps make it clear up front why you want a larger place as the landlord may otherwise think youre planning to sub-let.

That is stupid agent to say that. Most landlords would not mind a couple with a baby As long as you do not have triplets !!