Can people from outside the UK rent property?

Hi, I am a Norwegian citizen and would like to rent a house or an apartment in England but I do not know how - I need a “right to rent” which I can’t see how I can get. I am not going to work in the UK - I am 61 years old and would like to stay in the UK every other week or longer. I receive pension from Norway and have some extra income from working in Norway. Does anyone know how I can rent a place? So far the only option is AirB&B which will cost three times as much. Would appreciate if anyone could give me an idea of what to do.

Sorry to say, but I think its unlikely that you would have a Right to Rent in the UK. You could check with the Home Office. Unintended consequences etc.

Thanks for answering, David. Yes, I have tried to check “everywhere”. I can rent property almost wherever I want but not in the UK. Just wanted to have a place there since I would like to spend my time off there but it seems to be impossible. I have hired a lawyer over there to look at the case so I wonder if he comes up with something sensible.

Could you afford to buy a small place instead ?

Drude, you may want to check the regulations in Scotland.

‘ All people in Scotland have the right to rent property.
Your rights to rent property from a private landlord or housing association are equal to that of a UK citizen, and landlords must not discriminate against you on the basis of your citizenship, nor do they have the right to refuse to rent property to you on the basis of your immigration status. If you are subject to immigration control you cannot rent from a local authority landlord.
The UK Government’s Right to Rent scheme does not apply in Scotland. This scheme requires landlords of private accommodation in England to check the immigration status of all new tenants.

where are you hoping to rent?

Hi Steve,

I have considered to buy a place but I have decided to rent. If I shall buy something I would have to sell my apartment in Norway to do so and I don’t think I’m ready for that just yet.

Kind regards,


Hi Colin,

I would like to rent a place near Stoke-on-Trent. I am looking at the flats called “The Clayworks” in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent.

Kind regards,


Hi Christine,

Thank you for informing me - I am surprised that they can refuse people to rent in England. I could rent in almost all other countries except England. Strange regulations. I could have rented through my company but then I would have to establish a company in the UK and there is no point for me to do that. Anyway I will try to find a way but it seems difficult.

Kind regards,


Drude let me just clarify a bit further. The difference in Scotland is, in essence, that private landlords don’t have to do the work of the Home Office for free. They would still want references, income checks etc, the same as any other tenant. However, renting a property here does not give you automatic right to be in the country. If you are intending to travel back and forward a lot between Norway and UK, eventually, border control will notice, and start to make enquiries about your intentions, especially with respect to claiming benefits, medical treatment and such like.

I’m in the same boat. Moving to UK for work in a month and would like to find a rental before I arrive. Have seen places I’m interested in but am unable to rent until I’ve got a UK phone number and address.

You can rent without a uk phone number and address, but just not through Openrent. Look at other websites.

I can rent property almost wherever I want but not in the UK.

The UK used to be a rich country, and rich countries tend to make it more difficult for foreigners to settle down there. The good news is that we’re working very very hard on becoming a poor country (and it’s already partially achieved I’d say). Give it another couple of years and we’ll come begging Norwegians to come and live in the UK.

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Apply for a university course, come here and live. But Norway is sovpretty, why UK?just out of interest.

Hi Lori,

I have hires a lawyer to check this for me and the short version of his reply was to apply for an Evisa.

“I believe you should be able to apply for an eVisa and then you should be able to provide landlords with a share code.”

Once you have an eVisa, you should be able to get a share code from:

Hope this helps you.

Kind regards,

Hi Shantala,

I have thought about applying for a course but I will apply for an Visa - hired a lawyer who advised me to apply for one. And why I want to stay in the UK - I have wanted to go there for decades and now I have the opportunity so I’ll give it a try and see if I like it.

Kind regards,


Hope you’re right, Bastian! I find it very strange that it’s sooo difficult to stay there over time.

I am sure that if you go to France . Get a small boat and paddle across the channel you will get in with no problem .The french authorities will not be bothered about stopping you leaving their shores

Thank you! This is very helpful.

That has nothing to do with right to rent.