Choosing between good candidates

I have three potentially good candidates - two offering a year up front and one a local teacher. Assuming they all want the property and all sounds good when meeting them, how do I choose? Or will it be down to who can press the ‘rent now’ button fastest?

gut feeling .who is most likeable. you have to gel with them

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Why are two offering a year upfront?
Are they international
Do they have a guarantor?

One is moving back from LA to be nearer family who live around the corner from the property and the other has not said. We have rented to people who have paid a year in advance previously so this is not an issue for us. We would definitely steer clear of someone who required a guarantor as we have (and are) being stung quite badly by a guarantor not paying.

Find out what their stories are
It’s useful to decide who you want to choose

I would probably go for the ones I thought we going to stay longest if they were equally good candidates.

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