Estate agent says the landlord won't accept 3 adults due to the size of the second bedroom

Would you landlords refuse to rent your two bedroom flat to 3 adults and instead require two adults and a child because the second room is a bit small. The reason for this question is I’ve had this on three or four occasions from normal estate agents where I live in Harrow area and I’m beginning to wonder if it’s because of my mother’s and her partners age so they don’t want elderly people in the building.

Yes, a few reasons. 1) 3 adults can create an HMO. A licence may not be granted if one bedroom is under a certain size. 6.5 sqm 2) LL may not wish to create an HMO. 3) It may be that the LL just feels 3 adults is crowded leading to excess wear on the property. Excess moisture etc.

From your other post I understand that you are all related, so in this case the absolute room sizes for HMOs won’t apply. However, they are still enforceable by the local authority if they inspect and the minimum bedroom size for a single adult is 6.51sqm.

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