Freeholder / Laminate flooring

I am a freeholder of a top floor conversion flat , so not purpose built , and I’d like to put laminate flooring down before renting it out.
Where can I check if this is legal for me to do so ?

Do you mean leaseholder? If so then the answer to your question is the lease.

I have worked on a few flats and own some . You may find that there is a clause somewhere that certain areas have to have underlay and carpet fitted for sound reduction and not laminate or hard coverings


Irrespective of the nature of your freehold, best to put an acoustic membrane under your flooring finish. We have tiles and our neighbours can’t believe how little noise we produce without even trying.

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I need to consult my decorator on this as I want to go with laminate. Thanks

there is an acoustic type underlay you can put under laminate

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Yes, but in my experience it doesnt work.

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David how so ? did neighbours complain

Yes, neighbours below still complained and I had to ask the tenant to put rugs down.

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Thanks for that. So helpful. Carpet is so unhygenic. Id rather that option. Rugs can be thrown away and replaced easily !

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