Hi there, I’m hoping someone here can help me. I have a tenant who I wasn’t too sure about and gave then a 6 month AST. They have pretty much damaged my property and are causing problems with my other tenants.
Can I give them a 2 months notice to leave my property. So if they signed the contact in June. Can I give then 2 months notice in October?
Thanks for your answer. If I understand what you’ve said - I can’t give notice until December but then the contact runs out? Do I not need a viable contact in place to serve notice?
The contract does not ‘run out’. At that time it will rolls into a monthly periodic tenancy upon the same terms & conditions. It will only ‘run out’ once it was been terminated by;
the tenant giving valid notice
the Landlord given S21 valid notice & the tenant moves out (the end date of which cannot be before the end of 6m. ie you give them notice 4m into AST to expire at 6m)
the Landlord giving valid notice, the tenant oesn;t move out, and you take thme to court / bailiffs etc to secure possession.
Stanter, you misunderstood Karls post. The notice has to expire in December and the earliest you can therefore serve it is October.
Your questions are very basic and suggest you dont have much knowledge of tenancy regulations. Can I respectfully suggest some training or you could make some very costly errors.