Guarantor and Covid-19 Rent Break


Hope you are all well.

Does anyone know if the Covid19 rent break applies to tenants if there is also a guarantor on the ATS? If a tenant requests a break due to Covid-19, does the guarantor also need to be adversely affected? As the guarantor is on the ATS for the reason that they would step in should the tenants not be able to pay rent?


If I understood the question correctly, the guarantor is to comply with any agreement you make with the landlord, so the guarantor should be consulted. For example, if you agree to a partial or full delay in paying the agreed rent, then the guarantor is liable, just as you are, to make up the difference at some point in the future. The guarantor may not like to be suddenly lumbered with a few months rent, so to speak, should you turn around and say you can’t meet that commitment.

However, do remember you are responsible for the rent payment, not the guarantor. They are like an insurance policy: the landlord’s last resort for getting paid.

If not clear, the guarantor must pay for your defaults after the landlord has failed to get you to pay for your defaults.