Just curious. My local council office is called “Riverside”
Also the name of a very big H A.
We bought from Riverside too. All the residents fly-tipping in those alleyways, they are locked so can’t be anyone else. The second they are cleared, they are immediately filled up again. No wonder so many rats everywhere.
There was some woman not so long ago who won an award in Merseyside as she cleared the alleyway behind her house and got all the kids planting flowers and veg in pots.
on the other hand a few years ago i bought a house with a serious structural problem .The entry at the rear was 200 ft long and car driveable. The residents had alley gates and had benches along it , trellis ,plant pots and hanging baskets All privately owned ,brilliant
Wow that sounds fantastic. Just shows what can be done with the right people.
Your AST says what about preventing the current issues?
My AST is standard OpenRent contract which states under 9:42 To permit landlord to enter premises to inspect giving at least 24hrs notice. If tenant fails to allow and such failure causes Landlord to incur costs the Tennant shall be liable for all reasonable losses resulting as a consequence.
Also states 9:17 to keep the exterior free from rubbish.
What losses do you think you have/might incurred?
What action do you believe you can take under a breach of clause 9.17?
I’m just concerned it may attract & spread vermin affecting the property & neighbours.
I don’t want to take legal action and don’t think I probably even have grounds for it.
Someone suggested I could arrange for bags to be collected if they left them in front of house. This would be quite messy to do by car.
Communication has broken down but I am considering just collecting them even though not my responsibility.
Or I could just leave them alone & wait until they need assistance in the future. It’s been a learning experience especially in screening future tenants.
Adding “all rubbish must be cleared from the property and curtilage within 10 days”. Something for the future AST.
You can add clauses to the OpenRent or any other AST
One other thing you might try first is say it will be collected on XXY and you will bill them but that would be extreme. If you are fairly local just collect it with some strong bags and drop a note through teh door saying “bags collected as a goodwill gesture” but any future collections will be chargeable.
Some tenants want the landlord to do everything for them. Even if small things they can sort themselves. . Anyone been phoned up when the tenants needed their nose wiping !
If its really bad, you could inform the Council. They could put pressure on the tenants.
You could try getting extra wheelie bins if your council used them?
Not sure how many they would supply to one household though.
Otherwise you can purchase yourself but definitely not acceptable to leave heaps of rubbish piled up.
Thing is once a property has been infected with vermin it makes it easier for it to happen again as they leave their scent everywhere which is impossible to get rid of apparently.
I had the pest controller on the phone for 75 minutes explaining rat behaviour to me as our tenants kept attracting them. Very interesting but not something you really want to leave.
Poor you. After years of nice tenants I had a really “high maintenance” one… brings on the stress just thinking about it…refusing access, even for essentials, minor damage to the property, full of things she wanted but not reporting things like the water running down the wall from the bathroom above. over 50 texts back and forwards, and letters from me and stating legal involvement would be next in order to do some essential electrical repairs, minor but very necessary roof repairs and an EICR. We took her to court in the end and successfully evicted her under section 21. We stated we wanted the property back while we did repairs at home, which was true. Cost a fortune, but it has been worth it to have nice tenants back. Learnt a lot, this tenant was found for me using a local letting office, costing a load of money! It has re-inforced thinking really carefully about all the paperwork and evidence at start of tenancy being immaculate, (thank God I did this or she would still be there, and I did a better job than the letting agents).And the importance of better screening of tenants. Am about to DIY find next tenants with Openrent and I am terrified but determined! I am a member of the NRLA and it is the best thing I ever did. Excellent value.
Do you want them as tenants for the next 10 years? Consider options!
One more thing, it was a shock to learn that if they refuse access, you cannot go in, unless it is an emergency such as fire or flood evident from the outside, and there are very strict rules on this. Them crying harassment is also always a risk. Thank God for good tenants!
I had exactly the same issue with one of my tenants total lack of communication. They ignored all phone calls, all texts and emails. Their attitude was the worst ever and even tried to get a relative to force me out of the house after gaining access through a pre arranged appointment directly with the tenant for an inspection
In the end I was forced to issue a section 21 and eventually got them out.
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