One of my tenants has piled up full black bin liners in the yard, in a shed and near the actual wheelie bins. I have asked them on two occasions over a month period to dispose of their rubbish. On the last occasion quoting sections from the standard openrent contract which covers keeping the area tidy.
The tenant (who otherwise) pays the rent ontime, is being evasive.
What (if any) sanction can I put in place for not disposing of their waste? If I took their rubbish to the dump in my car, I would need to make several trips, probably cost me a day of ferrying waste to the tip. I can’t get a skip (as the house is on a double yellow).
Any suggestions? Can I get them to pay for professional removals?
I would like to avoid antagonissim, but a neighbour has complained and I want to get this sorted.
Thank you for your advice. It is a shame to evict apart from the rubbish, the tenant is really nice. I am getting complaints from neighbours, so I need to take some action.
If it’s not an HMO ( which makes refuse your responsibility) report them to environmental health as a health hazard as it will, if not already, attract vermin
Leaving refuse around is actually a category one hazard and the council can impose financial penalties
Last year our LA mandated all yards be cleaned as rats were in the alley way
They have all tenants a two week deadline
If not criminal prosecution ….
Do you have clauses in your contract to cover such a situation ?
We do have clauses in our contract so if it happens we deal with it and pass on charges
You can get a wait and load skip on a double yellow quote easily
I’ve done it for 60 minutes wait and load
I use the standard openrent contract, and within the contract sections 6.17 and 6.18. there are specific provisions for keeping the property in good order (please see extracts from the contract below)
6.17. To keep the exterior free from rubbish.
6.18. To place all refuse in plastic bags in the designated dustbin(s) which should be kept in the area provided.
If necessary on refuse collection day to move the dustbin(s) to the collection point as required by the local
Thank you for the tip about contacting the council, perhaps just mentioning that to the tenant will sort out the problem.
It would be so simple for the tenant to dispose of their rubbish in the wheelie bins. Seems like a way bigger problem than it needs to be.
Also Greta to know about getting a skip if needed, I did not realise that we could ever stop on double yellow.